Les Privat Bahasa Inggris Di Cibubur Cepat Bisa
08788 514 0994 / 0819 088 12 519 / 021 981 518 618.ini adalah les privat ielts yang menerima murid untuk semua umur,anda akan dilatienh oleh guru yang berpengalaman,sistim pengajaran yang di terapkan adalah sistim pengajaran yang praktis efective dan efisien serta harga yang terjangkau
Menerima murid mulai wilayah cibubur dan sekitarnya Cibubur juction,cibubur indah,reffles hill,legenda wisata,kota wisata,citra grand,ciracas,nagrag,cikeas,bukit golf,metland cibubur,ciracas,jalan radar auri,jalan savir,dan sekitarnya,Jalan banteng,Jln musim.Jln safir,Jln gadng raya.pasar cisalak
Anda ingin les privat Ielts mari bersama kami
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Les Privat Ielts Di Sudirman
Les Privat IELTS Di Sudirman
08788 5140994 / 0819 088 12 519
Untuk melanjutkan study ke luar negri misalnya negara australia,atau perlu menguasai bahasa inggris,dalam bidang berbicara atau ( Conversation) Reading,Wrting,Speaking Dan Listening,dengan anda menguasai materi tersebut,tentunya anda dapat mengikuti study di luar negri yang kata pengantarnya menggunakan bahasa inggris,sehingga anda mengeti dan dapat mengikuti pelajaran dengan mudah dan mengerti jika berbicara dengan dosen,jika anda hal - hal yang pelu di tanyakan,tes IELTS adalah persaratan yang di utamakan untuk anda dapat mendaftarkan study kesana.
Kerenanya kami membuka Les Privat Ielts,dengan mengunakan kata kunci,Les Privat IELTS,Les Privat IELTS di Jakarta,Les Privat IELTS di Jakarta Barat,Les Privat IELTS di Jakarta Timur,Les Privat IELTS di Jakarta Utara,Les Privat Ielts di Jakarta Selatan,Les Privat Ielts di Jakarta Pusat,Les Privat IELTS guru datang ke Rumah / Kantor,Les Privat IELTS,guru datang ke rumah,Les Privat IETS,guru datang ke rumah,Les Privat Ielts guru datang ke kantor,Les Privat IELTS guru untuk mahasiswa,Les Privat IELTS untuk karyawan,Les Privat Ielts untuk pelajar,Les Privat IELTS untuk umum,
Program Les Privat IELTS,yang kami selengarakan anda,program khsusu guru yang datang ke rumah kantor anda,selain itu ada juga program Les Privat Ielts di caffee atau tempat lainnya untuk anda yang tidak bisa belajar di rumah atau kantor anda,sehingga dengan kesibukan apapun anda tetap bisa mengikuti program pembelajaran IELTS,dengan tidak menggangu jadwal kantor anda,atau pun untuk anda yang merasa terlalu malam jika belajar di rumah sehabis jam kantor,
Program Les Privat IELTS,yang kmi selenggarakan adalah Program yang terdiri dari pembelajaran IELTS yang terdiri dari face to face atau anda juga dapat belajar secara kelompok bersama teman kantor anda,atau pun bersama saudari dan tetangga anda,dengan belajar secara kelompok anda dapat belajar dengan mengeluarkan lebih sedikit biaya,di samping itu anda juga bisa bertanya dengan teman group kalian jika anda yang belum mengerti selain menanyakannya kepada guru pembimbing anda,yang memberikan materi pelajaran sesuai dengan kebutuhan group anda
Program Les Privat IELTS. secara face to face sangat cocok untuk anda yang bertipe ingin belajar sendiri tanpa adanya ganguan dari teman lainnya,selain itu anda mendapatkan materi pelajaran yang di khususnya untuk sendiri yang di sesuaikan dengan kemampuan anda,belajar secara privat secara face to face sangat cocok untuk anda,yang tidak suka menunggu giliran untuk bertanya,karena dengn belajar secara face to face anda bebas bertanya,pada waktu tentor menjelaskan materi pelajran
Les Privat bahasa inggris di rumah kantor sangat cocok untuk anda yang sangat sibuk,sehingga tidak sempat belajar IELTS,di luar sana,dengan demikian anda terbebas dari memperkirakan waktu untuk pulang pergi,sehingga waktu anda dapat di pergunakan untuk menggali lebih dalam lagi kemampuan ielts anda,hususnya untuk anda yang berkerja di sudirman les privat IELTS di rumah / kantor atau di tmpat lain adalah program yang paling ampuh untuk menghindari kemacetan,sehinga anda tetap bisa belajar IELTS dengan enjoy dengan situasi apapun
Anda akan dilatih oleh guru pembimbing yang telah berpengalaman puluhan tahun,dalam mengajar ielts,guru kami adalah guru yang mempunyai hobby dalam mengajar ielts,sehingga mereka benar-benar menekuni,profesi mereka dan mencintai pekerjaan mereka,anda akan di bimbing sehingga suka belajar bahasa inggris,dengan adanya suka belajar bahasa inggirs,tentunya anda akan lebih mudah dalam mendalami soal - soal IELTS,
Pada soal writing anda akan di latih bagai mana supaya bisa mengeluarkan ide sehigga tidak mentok yang ahirnya tidak bisa menuliskan kata - kata lagi kerena kehabisan materi,selain itu anda juga akan dilatih bagai mana sehingga karangan anda sesuai dengan perintah sehingga tidak menyimpang dari soal yang di berikan.dengan tidak habis materi yang akan di tuliskan dan karangan anda yang sesuai dengan soal,di sertai grammar ( tata bahasa yang benar) dan variasi kata,sehingga nilai writing IELTS anda tercapai sesuai tujuan,
Berikut contoh Les Privat IELTS Writing
Are computers an essential feature of modern education ? What subjects can be better taught using computers ?, are there aspects of a good education that cannot be taught using computers?
Bagai mana cara menjawab soal writing tersebut?
computer adalah sangat penting untuk bank yang modern dan bisnis modern lainnya,computer dapat di gunakan untuk pendidikan yang sederhana ( simple education) untuk pelajaran yang lebih mendetil ( khusus ) memerlukan guru manunusia,Nah dari ringkasan tersebut anda dapat mengembangkannya,yang trik lebih lengkapnya dibimbing secara lengkap oleh tentor kami yang telah berpengalaman,
Contoh Jawaban soal writing diatas
Computers are now essential in many areas of life-modern banking,retail and information exchage among others,However,this is not true for education,At a simple level, some subjects may be better taught using computers,but to explain impotant concepts a human teacher is still indispensable
There are some subjects in which a computer can be used succesfully to teach elementary mathematics,elementary language Learning and any area which requires a student to memorise basic facts through repetition is well suited to computer learning,The computer can be programed to provide an endless number of simple questions and as the student answers these questions the facts are learned and reinforced
However,in learning and practice of more complex ideas,the computer is not adequate,a computer can evaluate an answer as right or wrong,but it can not determined why,it can not find out why a student is making mistakes and then represent important concepts in a different way so the student will understand,It can not determine at what stage in a mathematics problem the student has made an error.it can only indicate that the final answer is wrong,tasks involving reasoning cannot be taught by computers,as there are too many variables for a computer to deal with sucsessfully
Thus,While computers may be useful as a tool for practising simple skills.they are not an essential feature of modern education,because they cannot monitor a student's grasp concepts nor evaluate a sudent's reasoning.Until further developments in computers are made the human teacher will remain indispensable(diambil dari prefare for IELTS: ACADEMIC PRACTICEE TESTS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SYDNEY.,new edition,penny cameron vanessa todd)
Pada Les Privat IELTS, materi pelajaran writing, anda di latih bagai mana caranya supaya tidak kehabisan materi,mengatur waktu sehingga dalam waktu 40 menit sudah selesai,menulis sesuai dengan soal yang minta,tata bahasa ( grammar yang sering terlupakan) penyesuaikan karangan dengan tenses,dan bagaimana sehingga anda tidak Salah dalam menuliskan tenses misal pada pada kata it can be do adalah salah yang benar andalah it can be done,people speak salah yang benar adalah people speaks,dan trik - trik cara mudah wrtiting lainnya,
Anda sangat sibuk sehingga tidak sempat belajar IELTS luar sana ? tersedia les privat Ielts dengan program khusus guru datang ke rumah / kantor anda,dengan trik - trik sangat praktis,singkat dan jelas,
08788 5140994 / 0819 088 12 519
Untuk melanjutkan study ke luar negri misalnya negara australia,atau perlu menguasai bahasa inggris,dalam bidang berbicara atau ( Conversation) Reading,Wrting,Speaking Dan Listening,dengan anda menguasai materi tersebut,tentunya anda dapat mengikuti study di luar negri yang kata pengantarnya menggunakan bahasa inggris,sehingga anda mengeti dan dapat mengikuti pelajaran dengan mudah dan mengerti jika berbicara dengan dosen,jika anda hal - hal yang pelu di tanyakan,tes IELTS adalah persaratan yang di utamakan untuk anda dapat mendaftarkan study kesana.
Kerenanya kami membuka Les Privat Ielts,dengan mengunakan kata kunci,Les Privat IELTS,Les Privat IELTS di Jakarta,Les Privat IELTS di Jakarta Barat,Les Privat IELTS di Jakarta Timur,Les Privat IELTS di Jakarta Utara,Les Privat Ielts di Jakarta Selatan,Les Privat Ielts di Jakarta Pusat,Les Privat IELTS guru datang ke Rumah / Kantor,Les Privat IELTS,guru datang ke rumah,Les Privat IETS,guru datang ke rumah,Les Privat Ielts guru datang ke kantor,Les Privat IELTS guru untuk mahasiswa,Les Privat IELTS untuk karyawan,Les Privat Ielts untuk pelajar,Les Privat IELTS untuk umum,
Program Les Privat IELTS,yang kami selengarakan anda,program khsusu guru yang datang ke rumah kantor anda,selain itu ada juga program Les Privat Ielts di caffee atau tempat lainnya untuk anda yang tidak bisa belajar di rumah atau kantor anda,sehingga dengan kesibukan apapun anda tetap bisa mengikuti program pembelajaran IELTS,dengan tidak menggangu jadwal kantor anda,atau pun untuk anda yang merasa terlalu malam jika belajar di rumah sehabis jam kantor,
Program Les Privat IELTS,yang kmi selenggarakan adalah Program yang terdiri dari pembelajaran IELTS yang terdiri dari face to face atau anda juga dapat belajar secara kelompok bersama teman kantor anda,atau pun bersama saudari dan tetangga anda,dengan belajar secara kelompok anda dapat belajar dengan mengeluarkan lebih sedikit biaya,di samping itu anda juga bisa bertanya dengan teman group kalian jika anda yang belum mengerti selain menanyakannya kepada guru pembimbing anda,yang memberikan materi pelajaran sesuai dengan kebutuhan group anda
Program Les Privat IELTS. secara face to face sangat cocok untuk anda yang bertipe ingin belajar sendiri tanpa adanya ganguan dari teman lainnya,selain itu anda mendapatkan materi pelajaran yang di khususnya untuk sendiri yang di sesuaikan dengan kemampuan anda,belajar secara privat secara face to face sangat cocok untuk anda,yang tidak suka menunggu giliran untuk bertanya,karena dengn belajar secara face to face anda bebas bertanya,pada waktu tentor menjelaskan materi pelajran
Les Privat bahasa inggris di rumah kantor sangat cocok untuk anda yang sangat sibuk,sehingga tidak sempat belajar IELTS,di luar sana,dengan demikian anda terbebas dari memperkirakan waktu untuk pulang pergi,sehingga waktu anda dapat di pergunakan untuk menggali lebih dalam lagi kemampuan ielts anda,hususnya untuk anda yang berkerja di sudirman les privat IELTS di rumah / kantor atau di tmpat lain adalah program yang paling ampuh untuk menghindari kemacetan,sehinga anda tetap bisa belajar IELTS dengan enjoy dengan situasi apapun
Anda akan dilatih oleh guru pembimbing yang telah berpengalaman puluhan tahun,dalam mengajar ielts,guru kami adalah guru yang mempunyai hobby dalam mengajar ielts,sehingga mereka benar-benar menekuni,profesi mereka dan mencintai pekerjaan mereka,anda akan di bimbing sehingga suka belajar bahasa inggris,dengan adanya suka belajar bahasa inggirs,tentunya anda akan lebih mudah dalam mendalami soal - soal IELTS,
Pada soal writing anda akan di latih bagai mana supaya bisa mengeluarkan ide sehigga tidak mentok yang ahirnya tidak bisa menuliskan kata - kata lagi kerena kehabisan materi,selain itu anda juga akan dilatih bagai mana sehingga karangan anda sesuai dengan perintah sehingga tidak menyimpang dari soal yang di berikan.dengan tidak habis materi yang akan di tuliskan dan karangan anda yang sesuai dengan soal,di sertai grammar ( tata bahasa yang benar) dan variasi kata,sehingga nilai writing IELTS anda tercapai sesuai tujuan,
Berikut contoh Les Privat IELTS Writing
Are computers an essential feature of modern education ? What subjects can be better taught using computers ?, are there aspects of a good education that cannot be taught using computers?
Bagai mana cara menjawab soal writing tersebut?
computer adalah sangat penting untuk bank yang modern dan bisnis modern lainnya,computer dapat di gunakan untuk pendidikan yang sederhana ( simple education) untuk pelajaran yang lebih mendetil ( khusus ) memerlukan guru manunusia,Nah dari ringkasan tersebut anda dapat mengembangkannya,yang trik lebih lengkapnya dibimbing secara lengkap oleh tentor kami yang telah berpengalaman,
Contoh Jawaban soal writing diatas
Computers are now essential in many areas of life-modern banking,retail and information exchage among others,However,this is not true for education,At a simple level, some subjects may be better taught using computers,but to explain impotant concepts a human teacher is still indispensable
There are some subjects in which a computer can be used succesfully to teach elementary mathematics,elementary language Learning and any area which requires a student to memorise basic facts through repetition is well suited to computer learning,The computer can be programed to provide an endless number of simple questions and as the student answers these questions the facts are learned and reinforced
However,in learning and practice of more complex ideas,the computer is not adequate,a computer can evaluate an answer as right or wrong,but it can not determined why,it can not find out why a student is making mistakes and then represent important concepts in a different way so the student will understand,It can not determine at what stage in a mathematics problem the student has made an error.it can only indicate that the final answer is wrong,tasks involving reasoning cannot be taught by computers,as there are too many variables for a computer to deal with sucsessfully
Thus,While computers may be useful as a tool for practising simple skills.they are not an essential feature of modern education,because they cannot monitor a student's grasp concepts nor evaluate a sudent's reasoning.Until further developments in computers are made the human teacher will remain indispensable(diambil dari prefare for IELTS: ACADEMIC PRACTICEE TESTS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SYDNEY.,new edition,penny cameron vanessa todd)
Pada Les Privat IELTS, materi pelajaran writing, anda di latih bagai mana caranya supaya tidak kehabisan materi,mengatur waktu sehingga dalam waktu 40 menit sudah selesai,menulis sesuai dengan soal yang minta,tata bahasa ( grammar yang sering terlupakan) penyesuaikan karangan dengan tenses,dan bagaimana sehingga anda tidak Salah dalam menuliskan tenses misal pada pada kata it can be do adalah salah yang benar andalah it can be done,people speak salah yang benar adalah people speaks,dan trik - trik cara mudah wrtiting lainnya,
Anda sangat sibuk sehingga tidak sempat belajar IELTS luar sana ? tersedia les privat Ielts dengan program khusus guru datang ke rumah / kantor anda,dengan trik - trik sangat praktis,singkat dan jelas,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Les Privat Ielts Di Jakarta Timur ( Contoh Writing )
Les Privat Bahasa Inggris Di Jakarta Timur,08788 514 0994 / 0819 088 12 519,Untuk anda yang berada di jakarta barat dan ingin belajar ielts anda bisa menghubungi nomor telepon diatas,ini adalah les privat bahasa ielts dengan program khusus guru yaitu guru yang datang ke rumah / kantor anda,anda akan dilatih oleh guru yang ramah,sabar dan bersahabat,dan siap membantu anda dalam belajar ielts,anda akan dilatih oleh guru yang telah berpengalaman dalam mengajar ielts,guru pembimbing adalah guru yang ramah sabar dan bersahabat dan siap membantu anda dalam belajar ielts,
Untuk anda yang ingin score tinggi dalam writing anda perlu memahami tehnic writing sehingga anda bisa mengarang dengan baik,berikut adalah contoh writing
Because of the limitation for the fund the governments can only provide a limited range of services for the population,certain types of services,however,must be provided by governments,whereas both governent anda private groups or individuals can share the responsibility to provide other services
In this case the governmen must provide those services which are essential to a country,These in clude defence capabilities and social security.Private enterprise and the profit motive should not form part of these essential services.On the other hand,some services could be provided by either governments or private groups or both,Education and health care are example of such services.A goverments must provide at least a basic level of education and health care so all citizen can have acces to them,Private enterprise,though,could also provide services in these areas for those who wish to pay for them
For example urban infrastructure ia another area where governments and private groups or individuals can share responsibility,Governments must build and maintain a system of roads.but toll road can be built and road maintenance carried out by private contrators,Similarly,other infrastructure,such as water or elecricity supply,can be operated by private companies,
To sum up there are some services such as defence and social security-which must be provided by goverment, rOthers sevices for example water supply or education,could be privided by both government and private enterprise,Consequently,it is not true to say that a government,s role is only to provide some services while others should be provided by the private sector,in fact,both government anda private groups can share in the provision of most services.
Untuk anda yang ingin score tinggi dalam writing anda perlu memahami tehnic writing sehingga anda bisa mengarang dengan baik,berikut adalah contoh writing
Because of the limitation for the fund the governments can only provide a limited range of services for the population,certain types of services,however,must be provided by governments,whereas both governent anda private groups or individuals can share the responsibility to provide other services
In this case the governmen must provide those services which are essential to a country,These in clude defence capabilities and social security.Private enterprise and the profit motive should not form part of these essential services.On the other hand,some services could be provided by either governments or private groups or both,Education and health care are example of such services.A goverments must provide at least a basic level of education and health care so all citizen can have acces to them,Private enterprise,though,could also provide services in these areas for those who wish to pay for them
For example urban infrastructure ia another area where governments and private groups or individuals can share responsibility,Governments must build and maintain a system of roads.but toll road can be built and road maintenance carried out by private contrators,Similarly,other infrastructure,such as water or elecricity supply,can be operated by private companies,
To sum up there are some services such as defence and social security-which must be provided by goverment, rOthers sevices for example water supply or education,could be privided by both government and private enterprise,Consequently,it is not true to say that a government,s role is only to provide some services while others should be provided by the private sector,in fact,both government anda private groups can share in the provision of most services.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Lesf Privat Ielts Di Jakarta Utara (Example Of Writing )
Les Privat Ielts Di Jakarta Utara,(The Example Of Writing )
08788 514 0994 / 0819 088 12 519
,Untk anda yang berada di jakarta utara dan ingin belajar ielts anda bisa menghubungi nomor telepon diatas ,ini adalah les privat ielts yang menerima murid untuk semua umur,anda akan dilatih oleh guru yang telah berpenglaman dalam membimbing anda untuk belajar ielts,anda akan diltaih oleh guru yang ramah,sabar dan bersahabat dan selalu siap membantu anda dalam belajar ielts,
Example Of Writing
08788 514 0994 / 0819 088 12 519
,Untk anda yang berada di jakarta utara dan ingin belajar ielts anda bisa menghubungi nomor telepon diatas ,ini adalah les privat ielts yang menerima murid untuk semua umur,anda akan dilatih oleh guru yang telah berpenglaman dalam membimbing anda untuk belajar ielts,anda akan diltaih oleh guru yang ramah,sabar dan bersahabat dan selalu siap membantu anda dalam belajar ielts,
Example Of Writing
Many people go to the hospital for visiting their doctor
with a very complete believe in the expert care offered by comfortable
services,however some people do not get a satisfactory result for example,the
drug they are prescribed may have anconvinience side-effects.Their intial
positive attitute towards their treatment does them little good,other bad
experien that face to them,the desease more dangerous,even the madicine have
already consume in rgular time,
Another way,simelary ,the patients who choose alternative
treatmens over traditional medicine may find themselves disillusioned.Less
rigorous qualification standards among
alternative practitioners may maen that some healers give inefective or
damaging advice,The result,again,is that a patient who entered treatment with
confidence leaves that treatment disillllusioned.
We can olso said that on the order hand ,patients may try a
style of treatment with some scepticism
, a person used to convetional medicine and drugs may be suspicious of
treatments based on died and lifestile changes.Yet if they follow such
programs,they may in fact notice improvements in their condition,in spite of
their scepticism,Equally,a patient apposed to convesional medicine may have the
accident and be saved by the effective treatment of conventional emergency
Overally,it appears that the mental attitute of the petient
is not the most significan factor in determining the outcome of the treatment
.Patients who enter treatment confidently may leave disillusiined while those
who bedgin treatment sceptical of the resulls may find themself surprised with
what they have gained.patients should seek the advatages which each style of
care can be offeceere
Nice to meet you in this blog
Les Privat Bahasa Inggris Di Bogor
Les Privat Bahasa Inggris Bogor.08788 514 0994 / 0819 088 12 519.Untuk anda yang berada di bogor dan ingin belajar ielts anda bisa menghubungi nomor telepon diatas,ini adalah les privat ielts yang menerima murid untuk semua umur,anda akan dilatih oleh guru yang telah berpengalaman,sistim pengajaran yang di terapkan adalah sistim pengajaran yang praktis,efective dan efisien,anda akan dilatih oleh guru yang ramah,sabar dan bersahabat,dan siap membantu anda dalam belajar ielts.
Anda akan dibimbing dengan materi pelajaran yang lengkap,READING,SPEAKING,LISTENING DAN WRITING
Anda akan dibimbing dengan materi pelajaran yang lengkap,READING,SPEAKING,LISTENING DAN WRITING
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Les Privat Ielts Di Jakarta selatan (The Example Of Writing )
Les Privat Ielts di Jakarta Selatan,08788 514 0994 / 08788 514 0994.Untuk anda yang berada di Jakarat selatan dan ingin belajar ielts anda bisa menghubungi nomor telepone diatas,ini adalah les privat ielts yang menerima murid untuk semua umur,anda akan dilatih oleh guru yang telah berpenglaman,sistim pengajaran yang diterapkan adalah sistim pengajaran yang praktis,,anda akan dilatih oleh guru yang ramah,sabar dan bersahabat dan siap membantu anda dalam belajar ielts,
Materi pelajaran yang di sediakan adalah materi yang lengkap yang terdiri dari Writing,listening,speaking,selain itu akan dilatih dengan pelajaran penunjang untuk materi tes,yaitu Tata bahasa,(Grammar)Kosa kata (Vocabulay ) dan materi lainnya,
Kebayakan dari peserta mengalami kesulitan dalam writing kesulitan tersebut biasanya tidak bisa mngembangka kata - kata sehingga baru beberapa baris saja menulis sudah tidak mempunyai ide lagi sehingga mentok,hal yang seperti inilah yang akan di bimbing oleh guru pembimbing sehingga dalam menulis writing,menjadi sangat gampang bagi anda,kesulitan yang ke dua yang di hadapi oleh murid adala grammar yang merupakan sangat penting dalam menulis tata writing ,akan akan dilatih supaya dengan otomatis dapat menulis lancar dan dengan otomatis dapat menulis dengan grammar yang benar
Dibawah ini adalah contoh WritingThera many advantage of planting the flower itt seem to be beneficial for mental and phy body,by planting the flower it will increase the landscape appear being a good existance for the gardener ,enchance emotioanal well being and for personal interest ,by planting flower ,gardener will have flowersas a gift and be able t save money that wouldbe spirit for the florist,Flower can also enchance visual appeal to any landscape,a colorful variety of flower amon the grasses and tree s may beautify the spaces.During the past decade .people bought flower ,and flowers normally capable to cutivate peoople’s attention to their growth,to support phisical
health.There is also cultivating flowers while cultivating flowers may attact people’s attention to their growth,Flowers may be easy to be taken care of ,but they can die if water and soil , ignored for a long time,Therefore attention is necessary.Additionally flowers are able to regulate people’s emotion and eliminate the individual negative mood.They can also increase people’s concentration on learning and work,peoplecan olso remain oftimistic other than eliminating people’s negative terpramentd ,flower s can Expand people’s mind and open their hearts,In city ,flower are used as decorations to regulate emotions,such as frenshen their mind and become active.there are some flowers to regulate emotions ,for example chrysanthemum,which makes people feel loyal and faithful,while lilies,represent parity and love.If is the best bouguet of flowers when visiting relatives and friends,furthermore,flowers are capable to influence an individual’s ability and people may initate the characteristics of flower.conciosly and unconsciously.And lastly ,other than cultivating people’s ability and regulating their emotios,
Flower may serve as a powerful self beautuful self beautification and medicine.In fact,flower like rose,has been used as an ingredient and fragrant.for example rose petal in ayurvedic medicine may calm the mind and body ,Some items like Rosewater are normally used to remove dirt and make up.while roses natural oils help to maoisture skin and make it smooth and soft.Meanwhile,sugars in rose petals may support the sensitive skin the best and give a comfortable feeling.And lastly, rose water in bath will make people’s skin glow and it is also effective to cambas dark cirle and to make user’s haie,
Materi pelajaran yang di sediakan adalah materi yang lengkap yang terdiri dari Writing,listening,speaking,selain itu akan dilatih dengan pelajaran penunjang untuk materi tes,yaitu Tata bahasa,(Grammar)Kosa kata (Vocabulay ) dan materi lainnya,
Kebayakan dari peserta mengalami kesulitan dalam writing kesulitan tersebut biasanya tidak bisa mngembangka kata - kata sehingga baru beberapa baris saja menulis sudah tidak mempunyai ide lagi sehingga mentok,hal yang seperti inilah yang akan di bimbing oleh guru pembimbing sehingga dalam menulis writing,menjadi sangat gampang bagi anda,kesulitan yang ke dua yang di hadapi oleh murid adala grammar yang merupakan sangat penting dalam menulis tata writing ,akan akan dilatih supaya dengan otomatis dapat menulis lancar dan dengan otomatis dapat menulis dengan grammar yang benar
Dibawah ini adalah contoh WritingThera many advantage of planting the flower itt seem to be beneficial for mental and phy body,by planting the flower it will increase the landscape appear being a good existance for the gardener ,enchance emotioanal well being and for personal interest ,by planting flower ,gardener will have flowersas a gift and be able t save money that wouldbe spirit for the florist,Flower can also enchance visual appeal to any landscape,a colorful variety of flower amon the grasses and tree s may beautify the spaces.During the past decade .people bought flower ,and flowers normally capable to cutivate peoople’s attention to their growth,to support phisical
health.There is also cultivating flowers while cultivating flowers may attact people’s attention to their growth,Flowers may be easy to be taken care of ,but they can die if water and soil , ignored for a long time,Therefore attention is necessary.Additionally flowers are able to regulate people’s emotion and eliminate the individual negative mood.They can also increase people’s concentration on learning and work,peoplecan olso remain oftimistic other than eliminating people’s negative terpramentd ,flower s can Expand people’s mind and open their hearts,In city ,flower are used as decorations to regulate emotions,such as frenshen their mind and become active.there are some flowers to regulate emotions ,for example chrysanthemum,which makes people feel loyal and faithful,while lilies,represent parity and love.If is the best bouguet of flowers when visiting relatives and friends,furthermore,flowers are capable to influence an individual’s ability and people may initate the characteristics of flower.conciosly and unconsciously.And lastly ,other than cultivating people’s ability and regulating their emotios,
Flower may serve as a powerful self beautuful self beautification and medicine.In fact,flower like rose,has been used as an ingredient and fragrant.for example rose petal in ayurvedic medicine may calm the mind and body ,Some items like Rosewater are normally used to remove dirt and make up.while roses natural oils help to maoisture skin and make it smooth and soft.Meanwhile,sugars in rose petals may support the sensitive skin the best and give a comfortable feeling.And lastly, rose water in bath will make people’s skin glow and it is also effective to cambas dark cirle and to make user’s haie,
Les Privat Ielts Di Cibubur (The Example of Writing )

Menerima murid untuk semua umur,sampai dengan usia dewasa dan orang tua yang perlu pergi ke luar negri dengan tujuan untuk kerja atau untuk memperluas pengalaman karir yang lebih tinggi,dengan methode pengajaran yang handal yang di dahului dengan sharing untuk mengetahui perkembangan otak murid yang menerima bimbingan membuat peserta belajar menjadi gampang menerima materi pelajaran yang diajarkan oleh guru pembimbing,
anda akan dilaih dengan materi yang lengkap,kosa kata untuk untuk keperluan writing,speaking dan listening,tata bahasa sehingga anda menulis writing dengan tata bahasa yang benar,speaking sehingga anda bisa bicara dengan banyak kosa kata,dan membuat anda bisa bicara tanpa ragu sehingga tidak banyak berhenti,listening,sehingga anda bisa menjawab pertanyaan yang ditanyakan dalam listening mendengarkan,sesuai dengar perintah,anda juga dilatih sehingga anda bisa fokus dan konsentrasi sewaktu mendengarkan pembicaraan dalam listening,dan juga anda akan dilatih supaya percaya diri dalam speaking karena anda akan bicara dan face to face dengan foreigner sewaktu test writing,anda akan dilatih dengan berbagai macam strategi yang disesuaikan dengan daya tangkap anda
#.Speaking : Anda akan dilatih supaya bisa bicara tanpa ragu,bicara lancar,percaya diri dan yakin lulus,pada test,anda juga akan dilatih untuk bisa menyambungkan kata-kata,setelah selesai yang satu dengan yang lainnya,anda juga dilatih untuk supaya ingat dengan apa yang akan dikatakan sehingga anda tersenyum dengan hasil yang anda capai ,
#.Listening :Pada listening anda dilatih untuk bisa fokus pada materi yang yang didengarkan yang tentunya anda akan dilatih dengan materi kosa kata - yang banyak terlebih dahulu sehingga sewaktu anda mendengarkan anda mengetahu maksudmya minimal anda mengetahui ide fokoknya,
#Writing anda akan dilatih untuk bisa mengarang dan mengembangkan ide-ide karangangan sehingga anda cukup dengan materi yang disajikan dalam karangan anda,terus lancar dalam mengarang, selanjutnya,anda juga akan dilatih untuk bisa writing yang sesuai dengan yang di perintahkan sehingga karangang anda dalam satu faragraf menceritakan topic yang berhubungan perintah soal,dan hasil writing anda menjadi menarik untuk dibaca,karena anda menggunakan pariasi kata,dan pariasi penggunaan kata,dari naon,verb,adverb,adjective,prefosition,conjunction,pronounce,dan interjaction,
Berikut adalah contoh writing
1.You should spend about 40 minutes on this task
Write about the following topic
1.Sport is a very importan activity for making our body healty,but many people have some reason for the sake of to improve their career that makes them to busy,so they have no time for doing it,
2.Some people like to give the clothe to someone,other keep the cloth in the wordrobe ill it full,it causes the love the cloth or it has special meaning for them,
Give a reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience,
You should write at least 250 words
you should use your own ideas,knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence
-1.Throughout the past decades,people does the exercise from
certain point to another,in face they claim exercise on a way tome train their
body and to stabilize their lifestile,Some poeple do exercise or spott for
fun,but some old peope who used to play
light sport llike badminton and table tennis, tend to do jogging in the early
morning or at night.In comparation to out ancestors.presently,some people are
barelly doing any sports most of them are busy o have no time even so people
should still do some light sport to help the body function better.Regardless of
people busy schedule,they still can execisse to the early morning or when they
have free time,
For some people everday is war,in which they barely have
time for exercise,Fortunately,they can still do
exercise in middle of their schedule.first of all,they can do jogging in
the early morning.Or take a walk for a few minutes during lunch time In
ddition,If their workplace has many floors,they can simply skip the elevators
and try to take stairs to replace
exercise.In orther hand,they can also do a freestyle exercise or selely sport s
that interest them during their holday or day off .there are tons of exercise
they can do ,llike badminton,cycling ,table tennis,coccer and the other sport.
For matter of fact,by undertake an exercise,the bloood flow
will be able ,lungs will work even better,In a the addition by engaging in
phisical activity people can control and maintain their weight,therefore ,The
more intense the exercise the mod desease.For example ,there is a man who suffered
from lung disease ,yet,he likes swimming ,so he is able to combat his illness
by doing a lop of swimm routinely,Therefore ,exercise can control body vulnerability
and,effective to counter illness.Exercise may also improves mood,by taking a
walk and enjoying the beautiful sceneru,In midst of simple exercise exercise
,brain will stimulate some positive chemicars.Furhermore ,a proper amount of
exercisee can work to boasts stamina,so people can do exercise after the
another one ,And lastly ,exercise can be enjoyable ,some sports like badminton
can be fun and especally may help people to make more sport like badminton can
be fan and especially may help people to
make more friends,For the fast ,sport will be enjoyable,i f there is someone
else to join,hence,despite of a person’s busy schedule,he or she still be able
to do exercise.
In conclusion,people need to balance their lives with
exercise because over work can be a great disadvantage for body.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2, Throught out the past decades fashion has evolved a lot people more.outfit which took farm of dress and tons of feil as the decoration.How ever,presently,word of fshion has created a stile ,which may give more feedom of movement to the weaver,In fact,these kinds of style which consis mini-shirt,sharts and tankk top,have been dorminated by teen and adult.How ever,there are some people who still want to wear the old clothes. Or feel wasteful normall to throw them away.so they simply keep their outfit in wardrobe,meanwhile there are other people who sell their cothes away.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2, Throught out the past decades fashion has evolved a lot people more.outfit which took farm of dress and tons of feil as the decoration.How ever,presently,word of fshion has created a stile ,which may give more feedom of movement to the weaver,In fact,these kinds of style which consis mini-shirt,sharts and tankk top,have been dorminated by teen and adult.How ever,there are some people who still want to wear the old clothes. Or feel wasteful normall to throw them away.so they simply keep their outfit in wardrobe,meanwhile there are other people who sell their cothes away.
Generally.if person can no longer wear the clothes he or she
has normally sele the clothes away to relative,friends,social needs or to the
second shop,Additionallly,they might give away some that way of thinking is
that they do not want to keep many clothes ,they cannot wear or old in their
house,because there will be no space for the new ones,In addition their
believe.to some people beside them,might need it bette than them.On the other
hand ,there are some people who like to collect old items such as old car or
antique decorations to odd to their collection ,they may also add their clottes
to their collection
there are reasons regard why some people still keep their
old clothes,it is probably a gift from someone special or simply still in a
good quality for the matter of fact,some people collect old outfits like
antique items.In addition,same fashion designer may use old style as thne
inspiration because most of the old clothings are classsic,looking and seem
fancy,old clothes can be remaked t lack newer,and people can sell them for
many or donate for people in need
,However,everythings is entirely ut to people’s decicion.
In conclusion,old cothes can benefit some peop;e.especilly
in orpha or families and friends but it can be a good collection and a prefer
material to remake,
Beberapa kosa kata dan kalimat yang dalam mengerjakan writing,speaking san listening,
-Duty : I got a duty to write a leter to that companies so they decite to buy the merchandise.
-Cibubur : She study ielts at cibubur so they can unswer the ielts item with a very good score.
-Buy : She can see clearly after she uses her glases which she bounght in that expensive store
-Shopping : I should find the clerk to pay my shopping by asking it to the shopkeeper near beside me
-Counsellor : The counsellor get a very shy client for the bening long after she become fround to her
Couse she can make her be a talkative lady who believe can sucess to achieve the goal
-Stay: There is a sign that says "Stay away if you want to live"it is local bis the cliff
-Unstable : The climate in indonesia is pretty unstable recently,so it nice to sell the umbrella for
getting money for the jobless people,by making people happy to go out in rain
-Les Privat ielts : She took les privat ielts in this blog so she can achieve a good score for all subject
-Private Ielts : Privat Ielts is very infortant for busy people or students who has many activity
-Koala : Koala always hold tighly at the three ,I wonder what will happened if it pull it away there
-Grandfather : His grandfather are both dentist,so he gets free for the service for his own need
because he is his grandparents who love her so much in her life in this world
-Privat ielts : Privat Ielts in the lesielts blogspot makes her understand how to writing.speaking and
ol other materials for testing it's include listening and reading and understanding,
-Famuous : The famous doctor is known for ability to diagnose the disease for all the patient
-Hair : He is looking her hairbands in the in dressing room bu it can be found in drawing near her
-Fancy : The grand faher watch in the living room is the most fancy decoration in this city
-Door : The carpenter make the door made of wood in order to many people want to use it better,
and the costumer will comeback again for many time for order it so it can make him rich
-Rich : I am a rich person and kind person,so many peole like me and want to help me for kindness
-Watch : She close her eyes in fear when she was watching a horror movie the the theatre so her son
-Mother : I think her mother is closer to her than her father,it's becase that man always go out
-Poor : The poor man was hurt,I need to find the medicine for them so I go to the drugstor for it
-Always : The man always put the cookies at the top of the refrigerator,so the ant can't find it
-Look : She look beautiful in her dress.it is made special for her widding party on sunday afternoon
-Handpone : She forgot to bring her handphone on the way goin to the office,she call the servant to
take and going by the taxi in the long distance so he pay much money for the driver
-Attention : She love to care her nail to get the attention the society to buy the product that she made
-Speech : The priest always make the speech in the house where he was invited,olso in the mosque
-Advertisement : The televisiion always have an advertisement to influence the buyer to buy it
-Bat : people in encient time always kill the bat that in their thiking for protect the planting as the
source of the income but they don't know that the bad spreat the seed that way there are
many corn,paddy,penut,rambutan,durian,guava,manggo,manggosteen and others
Independence day : In the independence dan the neighborhood associations often coordinate the
special activities for cleaning the area,drains are sweep,weed are cut,debrish is burned and
public area are repain besede they be require to make the decoration by red and white
Beberapa kosa kata dan kalimat yang dalam mengerjakan writing,speaking san listening,
-Duty : I got a duty to write a leter to that companies so they decite to buy the merchandise.
-Cibubur : She study ielts at cibubur so they can unswer the ielts item with a very good score.
-Buy : She can see clearly after she uses her glases which she bounght in that expensive store
-Shopping : I should find the clerk to pay my shopping by asking it to the shopkeeper near beside me
-Counsellor : The counsellor get a very shy client for the bening long after she become fround to her
Couse she can make her be a talkative lady who believe can sucess to achieve the goal
-Stay: There is a sign that says "Stay away if you want to live"it is local bis the cliff
-Unstable : The climate in indonesia is pretty unstable recently,so it nice to sell the umbrella for
getting money for the jobless people,by making people happy to go out in rain
-Les Privat ielts : She took les privat ielts in this blog so she can achieve a good score for all subject
-Private Ielts : Privat Ielts is very infortant for busy people or students who has many activity
-Koala : Koala always hold tighly at the three ,I wonder what will happened if it pull it away there
-Grandfather : His grandfather are both dentist,so he gets free for the service for his own need
because he is his grandparents who love her so much in her life in this world
-Privat ielts : Privat Ielts in the lesielts blogspot makes her understand how to writing.speaking and
ol other materials for testing it's include listening and reading and understanding,
-Famuous : The famous doctor is known for ability to diagnose the disease for all the patient
-Hair : He is looking her hairbands in the in dressing room bu it can be found in drawing near her
-Fancy : The grand faher watch in the living room is the most fancy decoration in this city
-Door : The carpenter make the door made of wood in order to many people want to use it better,
and the costumer will comeback again for many time for order it so it can make him rich
-Rich : I am a rich person and kind person,so many peole like me and want to help me for kindness
-Watch : She close her eyes in fear when she was watching a horror movie the the theatre so her son
-Mother : I think her mother is closer to her than her father,it's becase that man always go out
-Poor : The poor man was hurt,I need to find the medicine for them so I go to the drugstor for it
-Always : The man always put the cookies at the top of the refrigerator,so the ant can't find it
-Look : She look beautiful in her dress.it is made special for her widding party on sunday afternoon
-Handpone : She forgot to bring her handphone on the way goin to the office,she call the servant to
take and going by the taxi in the long distance so he pay much money for the driver
-Attention : She love to care her nail to get the attention the society to buy the product that she made
-Speech : The priest always make the speech in the house where he was invited,olso in the mosque
-Advertisement : The televisiion always have an advertisement to influence the buyer to buy it
-Bat : people in encient time always kill the bat that in their thiking for protect the planting as the
source of the income but they don't know that the bad spreat the seed that way there are
many corn,paddy,penut,rambutan,durian,guava,manggo,manggosteen and others
Independence day : In the independence dan the neighborhood associations often coordinate the
special activities for cleaning the area,drains are sweep,weed are cut,debrish is burned and
public area are repain besede they be require to make the decoration by red and white
I would like to say thank so much that you have used your leisure time to read this block.ones more I want to say happy smileeee....
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